researching the world of the AR-15. some very interesting developments are taking place in that world now.
one is that there is a trend among legislators to be paranoid about the number of AR's there are now especially in California and the states bordering Mexico. and of course...the average gun owner and the "Mom and Pop gun stores along the border states" is to blame for all the violence according to Hillary Klinton. yet from the picture I've seen from weapons seizures, the source seem to be MILITARY sources...many, if not most, weapons are military in origin. such as M-60 machine guns, M16 rifles, M203's, M239 grenade launchers and hand grenades. there was even RPG's and a few small mortars.
yes, they're Vietnam era weapons but still highly effective when in properly trained hands.
now i ask you know any "mom and Pop stores" where you may walk in and purchase hand grenades that are NOT inert? or a fully operational M60 machine gun?
c'mon Hillary...get real!
now there are numerous proposals to limit or curtail OUR rights because of the violence in Mexico.
it is common knowledge, and widely accepted, that once a right has been curtailed, seldom, if ever, does it get restored; another abuse from our so-called legislators...
make no mistake about it...the second amendment DOES verify the right of "the people" to own and keep firearms! that has been verified by the SCOTUS in the Heller decision. as much as that galls many, it is the law of the land whether they like it or not! every citizen that is not prohibited by law, is permitted by the constitution to own a firearm or firearms.
it's a shame that citizens have to take their own government(s) to court to re-affirm their rights isn't it?
as i see it, there's two reasons why violence is rampant in Mexico and the adjoining American cities:
1. the failure and continuing refusal of the federal government to seal and protect our sovereign border when they KNOW the existing problem(s).
2. the failure and refusal of the Mexican government to halt drug cartel activities in Mexico.
part of that failure is the involvement of the corrupt Mexican military "turning their head away" from the border when smuggling activities are concerned. it's even been said that the Mexican military have provided support and cover for smuggling activities.
now...the proposals are coming in hot and heavy to: track any, two or more, larger than .22 caliber, semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine sold in areas near the Mexican border.
how, may i ask, is that going to curtail the violence in Mexico? answer: IT AIN'T GONNA!
the only way the violence will be brought to an end will be thru the killing off of the cartel members who undertake such violent actions themselves. it's that simple.
if it takes 'special ops'...then do it...locate them, give them ONE chance to surrender and submit themselves to the authority of the Mexican government. if they rufuse...kill them.
but...the main problem now is that they've gone unchallenged for so long they've become powerful enough to challenge the government itself, that the government hasn't much power over the cartels. I've heard it said that the cartels are going to attempt a coup of the existing government. i could believe that if they had air and ground cover by way of air craft and artillery.
but Mexico has been historically, one of the most corrupt nations on the planet so effort from honest leaders are very difficult to sustain; the honest leadership seldom prevails.
it seems our leadership is not much better in many respects.
we need to get rid of Barry...get rid of him next election.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
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