Wednesday, January 13, 2010

rainy day things

the weather was pretty abominable today so i did some "projects" on air rifles I've been wanting to do: make some bushing for the front mounting screws.

they allow very secure tightening of the forward mounting screws without crushing the wooden stock.

the project took approximately three hours to complete for two rifles.

it was not really difficult, just time consuming as it involved taking measurements and fitting them by hand.

i did purchase new Allen head metric screws to replace the slot head screws that exist, but...i got too short of screws so i had to reuse the old screws for now. I'll get new ones soon. they cost only $0.28 each; it's just the trip to get them is 25 miles one way...

i noticed that i may have to pump the pressure back up on one of the rifles as it seems like it's not as difficult to cock now. that particular rifle is normally difficult to cock as it is high pressure air (HPA)

well, that's a project for another day...i have to disassemble the rifle to pump the pressure back up...oh, well...gotta do what i gotta do.

i did manage to shoot one of my bows after the weather cleared enough for me to go outside.

i find that even though I've been shooting bows for many, many, years, it does require "practice" on a continual basis or you lose the proper form. i try to shoot daily but that's not always possible.

where i favor the 'traditional' recurve bows over the compound bow, i still own compound i bought in 1999 to replace one that was stolen from me and i occasionally shoot it.

when i was younger, i could easily shoot a fifty pound draw weight recurve's more like 40 to 45 pounds...and occasionally...the fifty pounds.

never the less...with today's technology, we have carbon arrows that have enhanced performance of what some would consider as 'anemic' at 40-45 pounds. i find it to be very adequate for most of my needs in the field of archery. you'd be amazed at how for a 40 pound bow will send a carbon arrow. California state law says a bow to legally hunt with must be able to cast a legal hunting arrow at least 135 yards, horizontally. many deer have been taken with a 40 pound bow. not to mention other big game here in north America.

time to go ... cya later

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