it's all really very simple where i have a modest selection of firearms with which to hunt, plink, or seriously shoot target, i am seldom able to shoot them.
you see it involves figuring out which activity I'm going to partake in, select the pertinent firearm for it, gather all the surrounding logistics to utilize it, pack it, and usually drive for quite a distance. by driving, i mean terms of at least 50 miles.
now to some, that's well worth the's questionable at times. you see, where i live, i am fortunate enough to be able to shoot on my own property. (it's still not "legal" per-se, but I'm far enough out where the neighbors say fact, it's not uncommon to hear gunfire at all, and i SELDOM ever touch off a fire arm shot, i shoot air guns and archery almost daily. (when and if i do, it's usually a .22 rimfire, though)
this is where this blog turns political...i don't like it to, but it all ties in together.
you see, we, meaning the American people, have allowed out so called "legislators" to bully us into being suppressed by all sorts of laws THEY want in place. in all arenas of our lives, not just in firearms, hunting and shooting...but it goes so deeply into our lives i doubt we'd be able to function if we had some restrictions lifted.
personally, i doubt we'd see much of a change at all if many restrictions were lifted.
as an example, the infamous Klinton gun ban...there's no supporting studies or evidence that say it reduced crime in ANY way. yet it was forced on the American people and there are those who are trying their level best to re-initiate it!
at this time, the AR (Automatic Rifle) is the most popular, and one of the mostly widely made, firearms in American history, violent crime is at an all time LOW, the SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) Heller decision re-affirmed the right of the American Citizen to OWN FIREARMS as per the second amendment to the constitution of the U.S., yet the moron, Erik Holder, appointed by the current occupant of the white house says it doesn't...yet another example of our so called legislators try to force something on us we don't want.
in almost every piece of legislation proposed (and existing, for that matter) in the California state legislation regarding firearms, law enforcement is exempted. in my opinion, for what it's worth, i don't believe the police should be armed like the gives lower governmental agencies/entities the idea they are invulnerable and empowered to do anything they wish...including imposing their will, right or wrong, on you and i.
they, the government(s) FEAR you and i...that's right...FEAR...why else would they not want us to own firearms? they do not want to be confronted with ARMED citizens who realize we're being UNFAIRLY and UNREASONABLY taxed to reward undeserving causes. such as supporting of illegal immigrants...oooooppppps...sorry..."undocumented immigrants" for you of the politically correct genre. that's why my automobile registration increases every year by at least 20%!
it occurs because we are dumb enough to allow legislators to walk roughshod over's that simple, folks.
use your vote...or lose will happen if we're not careful. after all...look what's in the White house overt socialist who is openly defying the national interest of "health care" by trying to force another system on us AGAINST THE NATION"S WILL and overthrowing the second amendment is lurking there underneath the surface..
Thursday, January 7, 2010
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